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My name is Wisdom;

 I began my creative journey as a kid in elementary school, with water color paints and my fingers. In 2022 I started my soul's journey into helping other's self-actualize, heal trauma, and embody their emotions though Introspective Breathwork® Therapy.


Thank you so much for joining me here & you can continue to read about my life & offerings below.

    In October of 2016, shortly before graduating from Mitchell's Academy in Raleigh, NC, I was honored with the opportunity to apprentice under Katie Manselle, Founder of Culture Hair Studio in Durham, NC; my hair home of 5 years.


    During my apprenticeship, I assisted with a variety of editorial projects. Some of my favorites were avant garde photoshoots (including one that was featured in Vogue Italia) and a live fashion event in which we worked with a team of over 30 people to create an immersive experience at a gallery style hotel destination in Durham, NC. I was blessed with the opportunity to assist Katie during classes she taught at other local salons and I competed in a couple of global hair competitions. For those who care, I've had a few looks featured on various Goldwell and PulpRiot social media accounts as well.


​   In October of 2018, I was chosen to assist the Babyliss Pro USA team during the CosmoProf Fashion Focus hair show in Charlotte, NC. It was exhilarating to work side by side with a few industry leaders, in a public setting, teaching things to my peers.  My time at Culture also provided me with opportunities to attend classes with a plethora of Oribe, R+Co, Wella, Redken, Goldwell, and O&M educators and trainers.


      Overall, I've grown my skills into quite a niche and am excited to share all of my experience with you to create your dream hair. 


   While hair is obviously a huge part of my life, it's not everything; and is only a portion of my professional focus. It's also worth noting that I find most professionalism to be social construct that I often do not feel authentically aligned with. I'll get into specifics eventually but long story short- behind the scenes, I've been through a lot of shit in my life. I've navigated trauma by the truckload and have lots of stories I shouldn't air for the entire world via webpage. Things culminated during 2020, as they did for a lot of people- major life shifts began, chronic pain from years of overtime & a multi-job lifestyle racked up, and I began exiting truly tumultuous, traumatizing relationships and cycles. 


      From winter of 2020 through spring of '22 I was gifted with incredible opportunities to lighten my behind the chair time and to explore other industries through friends I made along the way. I traveled for eight months by plane or van to hang out at very niche tradeshows on weekends while camping on the road. or working behind the chair while back home. For a while after that I did stagehand work for major concerts in the RDU area.


      During these years I also began to have more personal time than ever before... I drove head first into the depths of astrology, tarot, and eventually found human design in '22. Growing up in the bible belt of the southeastern US didn't make any room for these interests early in life and I'd spent my teens and twenties working my ass off so special interests fell to the sidelines. With this new space for spiritual expansion, I tapped into my intuition more heavily and started seeing the world I was operating in a bit differently, Foremost, I started to notice the connection between my emotional and physical bodies... 


        By Summer of '22, my body couldn't handle working behind the chair full time.  It was decided that it was best I focus on a new venture I had been offered - for a few months I spent time in counter-culture as a sales rep for a cannabinoid company- I had a ton of fun working more tradeshows in major cities and a music festival. 


       But when Autumn came around- the strenuous labor of building tradeshow booths and the stagnation of sitting behind a desk ran their course... I had to prioritize my health more than I ever had before. I had some savings and a plan to eventually share a booth with a friend when I was ready to return to hair- instead of promising full time hours to a salon. With my ability to walk at risk and the excruciating pain of pushing myself through compounding daily - I quit the sales job, dedicated my days to bettering my health,  and sought help for the chronic pain I had been living with for a concerning amount of time....


​   After seeing a specialist, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease; I had developed calcification to multiple vertebrae (l5/S1) and the discs disintegrated causing herniation that was crushing the nerves affecting my ability to walk. He told me I'd need spinal fusion or to have the disc lasered out of my body... I refused. There's no way I would undergo a major spinal surgery at 31 years old, living upstairs, with a dog, alone... To say I hit an all time low would be an understatement. I felt like my long term goal of living nomadically, or at least traveling heavily was no longer an option. Three weeks went by where I was in so much pain, I couldn't walk let alone drive to chiropractor appointments... 


   I was paired with a massage therapist who called herself a Shaman and told me that my sacral chakra was a "blackhole" and that "they" told her, "I should save some for myself" without any further information... I was bit confused about which "they" she was referring to and while I was familiar with chakras and saw places in my life where I was expelling too much energy for others, when I asked her to elaborate she left me hanging and I was told to wear the color red... Also being familiar with different versions of color theory and energetics, I knew there was something to what I was being told but there were missing pieces. I know we heal from the inside out so I turned inward for answers and searched outside of the typical medical field for healing advice. Through a friend I was connected with a new massage therapist - & Nahua Weather worker, as well as an incredible decompression therapist. 


       Within weeks of beginning new treatments and integrating new movement practices, as well as adjusting my diet to be in sync with my hormonal cycle... I began experiencing major physical improvements.


    In September of '22, I began the Personal Journey with One Breath Institute, an immersive online learning environment and community co-founded by one of my best friends.... my eyes were opened to the power of Introspective Breathwork® Therapy. I recognized similarities to pranayama, somatic therapies, and various soulwork practices. My only experience with practicing Breathwork up to that point was Wim Hoff's methods; but as the 12 week trauma informed journey progressed, I began to heal childhood wounds, deepened my questioning of  indoctrinations, and started to build a strong sense of safety within my self. Starting this journey while already working through the things that lead me to the events of '20-22 was a lot to digest. ​


      One day it hit me that I'd probably be alive for like 70 more years and the way I'd been flowing through life wasn't going to get me to my goals... I shifted my presence and integrated new levels of understanding to the way I operate in the 3d world. I experimented with Human Design and adjusted my diet to be inline with my hormonal cycle, as well as the phase of the moon... 


​  By December of '22- I had fortified boundaries in my personal life, found motivation for growth easier, and became a witness to my mind. My downtime was full of hiking in local woods, walking trails with my doggo, and I was full of creativity. I started to feel so much better within my body & I knew I could return to behind the chair. 


     Upon returning, the clients that followed me from my previous salon home pointed out changes that they were experiencing in their perception of my presence. Many showed interest in my Introspective Breathwork® journey and a few even requested that I show them how it works... I started to realize that becoming certified was within my reach and that it already felt natural to hold space for people's stories, feelings, and somatic experiences.​


   I went though the Personal Journey and Facilitator Trainings again with a new perspective and more questions. I did more independent deep dives into things that I had naturally and intuitively experienced but that I could now put a name to like various rebirthing practices/ceremonies and ego deaths; while comfortably embodying my chaotic feminine energy. I don't believe in coincidences so I felt supported in my experiences by knocking out some reading for my training. The works of Leonard Orr resonated deeply. The triangulation of spirit/mind/body and embracing dark times as the bend before a break made so much sense to me when I reflected on my health issues in relation to the timeline of events with my experiences.  


    During my training, I started to hold space for my peers of the school, my friends, and my family. New kinds of discussions about soul's purposes opened up and we've shared stories of our traumas with grace for our old selves. Along the way I have furthered my research and learning in the areas of Human Design, Astrology, and have begun to channel energy through Tarot. 



  Introspective Breathwork® sessions have become a place where I share the tools I've learned to help others regulate their nervous systems, find safety within their bodies. These spaces are safe for embodying every emotion, from rage and grief to celebration and rejuvenation. â€‹

    Introspective Breathwork® with me can be used to target specific issues that individuals may be seeking help with or can be themed with a specific intention. The time includes an array of activities that create awareness, open creativity, and allow release, like drawing or journaling, bringing voice to experience, and there is always invitation for movement. I speak to the energy that may be affecting the individual/group due to astrology transits, neutrino gates, and often invite some guidance via tarot. While I’m still learning these  alternative systems and am honing my skills, many attendees have reflected resonance and shown great gratitude for these practices.


 I offer Introspective Breathwork® Therapy sessions for individual support as well as themed groups. I often organize group events around astrological events like the Lunar New Year, Full Moons, etc. These spaces have been  created for giving gratitude, setting intentions, embracing and releasing sacred rage, and embodying emotions that arise when breathing into these spaces within the body.  


     As this journey continues there will be more updates so keep posted and thanks for catching up on the newest news.



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